At WHCC, we believe God has brought us together in community for a purpose that extends beyond ourselves.
At WHCC, we believe God has brought us together in community for a purpose that extends beyond ourselves. As Jesus reminds us in Matthew 22:37-39, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” We serve our community together as a way to glorify God and embody Christ’s love as a church.
Below is a list of the organizations and initiatives WHCC participates in. There’s a variety of opportunities you can get involved with, depending on your personal gifts and passions. We invite you to partner with us in sharing God’s love with our neighbors!
Interested in serving locally? Please contact us here for more information.
We’d love to have you join our Global Ministries Prayer Meeting every second Wednesday of the month from 7:00PM to 7:30PM on Zoom. Join us in lifting up our church, country, and beloved global partners around the world.
Explore/study what God has stirred in your heart for missions.
Read a missionary’s biography or missions book. We recommend:
Invite Global Partners* to share with your small group, etc.
You can find out when our Global Partners will be in Houston—and their availability to share—by contacting our Global Ministries Committee.
Prepare yourself for future vocational Christian service by taking a seminary class.
Please contact Pastor Andrew or Pastor Edward if you’d like more information.
Serve God in a different culture or within a missions context.
Go on a short-term mission trip (vision trip, missionary care, caring for MK’s, etc.)
Click here to see our upcoming STMs!
Spend 1-2 years on the mission field to discover what it’s like to be a full-time missionary and see if it’s a good fit for you.
Please contact Pastor Andrew for more information.
Serve locally by joining W’s Mission of Yahweh team, or mentoring at Westwood.
Please contact our Community Care Deacon, Monica Zhang, if you’d like to be involved.
Commit to praying consistently for missions.
Read and pray with your family for persecuted churches or people, or use country or people-specific prayer guides. Here are some resources we recommend:
Attend the monthly WHCC prayer meeting to pray for the world, missions, and the church.
We would love for you to join us! The coronavirus pandemic in our city, country, and world has been a time of trial. We encourage members of the W family to pray with us every Wednesday at 8:00 PM on Zoom.
Attend our monthly Global Ministries Prayer Meeting.
We believe that God is advancing his Kingdom around the world for His glory, and you have a unique role to play! Join us in lifting up the nations and our global partners every second Wednesday of the month from 8:40 PM to 9:10 PM on Zoom, shortly following our Churchwide Prayer Meeting. We count it a privilege to be able to stand in the gap and intercede in prayer for the nations.
Use the weekly church bulletin to pray faithfully for our Global partners.*
You can find prayer points for our Global Partners in each week’s bulletin, which is also uploaded online each week.
Help send and encourage Global Partners* through writing, sending packages, or financial partnership.
Step up your financial support for W’s Global Ministries work, or financially partner with a Global Partner.*
If using the church offering envelopes, you can designate that your donation specifically goes to Global Ministries. If you’d like to partner financially with a Global Partner, please contact the Global Ministries Committee.
Encourage your small group to write emails/letters/cards or send packages to encourage our Global Partners* on the field.
Are you connected with any of our Global Partners? If not, please contact our Global Ministries Committee, and we’ll find someone for you to connect with. If you’re already connected with a Global Partner, get in contact with them and ask how your small group can support and encourage them! Before sending a package, ask them what they really need (you’d be surprised by some of the requests!)
Respond to prayer newsletters you receive from Global Partners* on the field.
Do you currently receive prayer newsletters from Global Partners on the field? If so, one of the best ways to care for them is simply by replying to their newsletters and saying hello! Check out one missionary’s suggestions on how to reply here.
Share God’s heart and vision for missions with people you know.
Join W’s Global Ministries Committee and become an advocate/voice for missions.
Have a heart for mobilizing others for missions? We’d love for you to join our Global Ministries Committee! Please contact the committee if you’re interested.
Plan a special time for your small group to pray for missions. Here are some resources:
Pray for and encourage a friend who has never gone on a short-term mission trip before to go this year.
Have a friend who’s never been on a short-term mission trip? Now’s the time to encourage them to take that step! If they’re unable to commit to going overseas, we offer local options as well. Pray for God to open their hearts and show them where they should go—and for the opportunity for you to go as well.
Care and befriend those from other cultures who are right at your doorstep.
Invite internationals over for a meal to get to know them.
Do you have internationals living around you that you’ve gotten to know a little bit? Consider inviting them over for a meal (everyone loves food!) as a way to develop a deeper relationship.
Offer to help internationals with language/translation or other tasks that might be difficult.
It’s not uncommon for people from other countries who move to the U.S. to have limited knowledge of the English language, causing them to struggle with daily tasks. Some people don’t have vehicles, and getting to doctor appointments might be difficult. Others have to deal with a lot of paperwork (applying for a driver’s license, for example), and reading all the English can be quite tiring and stressful. If you have international friends, ask them if there’s anything you can help them with, and take the time to do so!
For Houston-wide opportunities, check out Bridges International, a Christian organization that helps serve, provide care for, and bring community to international students.
Pray for or invite an unchurched international to your small group or our church.
If you’re currently in a small group, talk to your leader about inviting your international friends to join you. If they’d feel more comfortable visiting a Mandarin-speaking group, we’d be happy to connect them to one. We also encourage you to invite your friends to W’s special events and regular Sunday service (remember to ask them to stay after service and join us for a free lunch in the Newcomer’s room).
*Many of our missionaries are sent to Closed Countries (or Creative Access Nations); Global Partners and Global Ministries is a safer way to refer to them and W’s Gospel Work around the world.