
Generosity Transforms Generations


We believe generosity transforms generations, and that giving is an act of faithful obedience and worship to God as the giver of all good and perfect gifts (James 1:17). The apostle Paul encourages us to grow in every aspect as followers of Christ, including the grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:7). Therefore, faithful and consistent giving is the next step in our journey as disciples of Christ.


As we grow in our journey to be faithful and generous givers, the Financial Stewardship Committee, empowered by the church council,  counsels and guides our church in the management of finances. Each year, the church council presents an annual budget to the church membership for review, questions, and confirmation. The operating budget is fundamental to being accountable in stewarding the mission God has given us with transparency and integrity.

2025 Budget

General Operations Ministry Operations Global Ministries FARM Reserve Total
$ 2,386,531 $ 234,046 $ 584,045 $200.000 $ 3,404,622

Weekly Financial Report

Last Week’s Offering* YTD Offering* Dec 2024 Offering† Dec 2024 Expenses† YTD Revenue Dec 2024† YTD Expenses Dec 2024†
$72,519 $227,806 $580,215 $372,400 $3,059,290 $3,052,772

*Updated as of 2/2/2025.
†Previous month’s numbers are released on the 3rd/4th week of the month. They are preliminary and subject to change.
These offering numbers do not include Disaster Relief Giving.

Annual Financial Reports

As part of our ongoing commitment to financial transparency and accountability and certification with the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability (ECFA), an independent certified public accounting firm performs an annual review of our finances. Below are annual reviews for the past three fiscal years (FY).


Mail a Check

You can send your offering in the form of a check to:

West Houston Christian Church
10638 Hammerly Blvd
Houston, TX 77043

Send a Text

Text “GIVE” to 713-347-1313

Donor-Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund is a fund that’s maintained and operated by a section 501(c)(3) organization, which is called a sponsoring organization. Each account is funded by an individual donor who receives an immediate tax deduction for his or her contribution. While the organization has legal control over the contribution, the donor can make grant recommendations to support his or her favorite charities and advise how the account assets are invested. Most major brokerage firms provide this, such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, and others. For more information, please contact the banking institution of your choice.

Online giving saves time, work, simplifies your life, and helps you avoid the hassle of writing and remembering checks. It can also help your consistency and faithfulness in giving.

Once you authorize the EFT transfer, your specified contribution is electronically transferred directly from your checking or savings account to the church’s account. Options include a one-time, weekly, or monthly transaction.

Your contribution will be deducted on the dates specified on your authorization form. You never have to worry about forgetting a contribution or mailing it in on time.

Online giving is less risky than handwritten checks, which can easily be lost, stolen, or destroyed in the mail. Online gifts have an extremely high rate of accuracy and are easier for the church accounting office to process.

Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transfers as your proof of contribution. The church will also record your gift and send you a record of your contributions on a quarterly basis for your tax records.

You can update your profile and banking information for recurring giving at any time by clicking here.

Giving online costs you nothing and saves you time. The fee to the church is nominal.

You can cancel your authorization by notifying us at any time. But once you’ve enjoyed the convenience, time, and money savings of online giving, we doubt you’ll want to go back to making contributions the way you did before!

No. We are grateful for support from all who feel motivated to contribute.

At the moment, all online offerings go to the General Fund. We encourage everyone to give toward the General Fund, where it will be distributed to where it is needed most; however, if you would like to designate your offering to a specific fund (Missions, Church Planting, Benevolence), please write it on the memo line of your check or select the specific fund where appropriate.

For more information, please email