Youth Large Group

On the first Sunday of every month, we will meet as a large group in the Youth Center.

Legacy Fellowship Meeting

Speakers & topics vary each month (Click for details) Meeting: 10 AM in the Chapel Lunch will be provided in Rooms 103 and 153.

Ignite Friday Fellowship

We meet most second, third, and fourth Fridays each month to play, sing, listen, share, pray, and fellowship. See calendar for exact schedule, and keep up with us on Instagram for more details!

Pathways | The Character of God

Utilizing A.W. Tozer’s book, The Knowledge of the Holy, we take time each week to look at the attributes of God and how they might impact our daily lives. Dates: This class will meet on Sundays through March 2023

WKids In-Person Fall Sunday School 2022

Starting Sunday, September 4th, WKIDS relaunch two sessions of children’s Sunday school for all children in nursery through 5th grade. Pre-registration is required and is available at this link. Please contact us at with any questions or concerns.

Legacy Fellowship Meeting

Speakers & topics vary each month (Click for details) Meeting: 10 AM in the Chapel Lunch will be provided in Rooms 103 and 153.