COVID-19 Recovery Update: Moving into Yellow and Beyond

With Easter right around the corner, I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our in-person outdoor joint service this coming weekend! I have been so encouraged and blessed to see more and more of our people come to our outdoor services in March and pray that it has been a blessing to those who have been able to attend as well.

As we enter into the second quarter of this year, I have encouraging news to share. After much prayer and consideration amongst our leaders, increasing participation at our outdoor services in March, as well as increasing availability of vaccines to the general public, we are taking the next step in our COVID-19 recovery plan by moving into recovery stage YELLOW, effective April 5, 2021. Our YELLOW stage has multiple phases of returning back to in person gatherings and our first phase includes:

  • Scheduling regular in-person worship gatherings on the weekend – starting in April, our English congregation (Meta) will transition from pre-recorded worship services to live-streaming our weekly Saturday in-person worship services at 11am in the gym. We pray that this will be an encouraging next step for our people as we take steps towards returning to in-person worship services. Our Chinese congregations will have their next in-person service on Sat, 4/17 at 1:30p (Cantonese) and 4p (Mandarin) in the gym
  • Opening large rooms in the church building for ministry gatherings, such as small group gatherings and fellowship time. Not all rooms are available at this time to be reserved so we kindly ask that you use our room reservation system to schedule those meetings so we can manage the number of people present at our facility at one time. We know for many of our people, being able to meeting in person again makes a world of difference as we strive to welcome sojourners home to the joy of following Jesus together.

Currently, all COVID-19 protocols at our church building continue to be in place (masks required and social distancing) and specific guidance on conducting ministry indoors during this phase for ministry and event leaders will be available shortly.

As we look to the months ahead, I am particularly excited about a couple more milestones that will help pave our way back home to W: 1) our annual Unity Sunday service on Sunday, 6/6 and 2) our 30th Anniversary Celebration Sunday on Sunday, 8/29. Save these dates on these two momentous occasions as we continue to walk by faith in this journey ahead.

May the Lord continue to strengthen you during this time and give you faith to persevere as we pray for the end of this pandemic!

He is Risen,

Pastor Nathan