Spiritual direction is help given to a believer to pay attention to what God is currently doing or saying to him or her, to respond in faith to this personal God, and to grow in deeper intimacy with Him with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

This help is given through regular sessions with a spiritual director, where the goal of that time isn’t centered around a specific problem as in counseling, or to develop skills as in mentoring, or to identify and strengthen areas of growth like in coaching but to prayerfully notice and discern the active presence of God in one’s own life as a way to find meaning and direction in one’s journey with Jesus.  

Spiritual direction sessions are often conducted on a 1:1 basis, an hour at a time and a month at a time. While each session will be unique to each directee, there are certain practices that will form the basis of a typical session. Directees are invited into a prayerful posture that will include periods of silence where time and space is given to both the directee and director to listen and wait upon the Holy Spirit. 

Spiritual Director

Pastor Nathan is receiving spiritual direction training through Leadership Transformations’ Selah Certificate Program.

Discovery Session

If you would like to learn more, click here to schedule a 30 minute initial meeting with Pastor Nathan.

Spiritual Direction

Schedule a standard 1-hour spiritual direction session with Pastor Nathan.

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